New methods and systems for subterranean fracturing for hydrocarbon wells. A plan of the fracture propagation and in-fracture proppant distribution is used with a real-time model of the status of the fracture dimensions and in-fracture proppant concentration to automatically control flow rates and properties of a fracturing fluid flow stream being used to induce and prop the fracture. Real-time measurements of the status of the fracture are made using surface and/or down-hole sensors. Real-time control over the flow rate and properties of a fracturing fluid flow stream are made by manipulating the fracturing fluid supply equipment. Real-time modifications of the fracturing model are made by comparing fracture sensor measurements of actual fracture dimensions to the predicted dimensions, and then adjusting the model for inaccuracies. Real-time updates to the fracturing plan are made by comparing actual fracture and propping results to desired results, and then adjusting to achieve optimal results.