Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Edward D. Meczko0
Rodric C. Fan0
Kulbir S. Sandhu0
Julia A. Langley0
Date of Patent
May 19, 2009
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 27, 2007
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A location-relevant service system provides location-relevant information to, or performs location-relevant service for, a first mobile unit based on the location of a second mobile unit. In one instance, the first mobile unit is fixed on a vehicle, while the second mobile unit can be provided as a cellular phone. In another instance, the first mobile unit is provided with a display panel, so that authentication can be achieved through providing the display location information to a location-relevant service server using the second mobile unit.
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