A system and method for barrier submersion cooking comprising a thin walled plastic cooking pouch for receiving a food item effectively dimensioned such that when placed into a hot liquid cooking medium a vent remains above a top surface of the liquid cooking medium and a rack for lowering the vessel into the liquid cooking medium to an effective depth such that the food item received by the pouch is below the top surface of the liquid cooking medium and the vent is above the top surface of the liquid cooking medium. The pouch is formed of food grade pliable polymer film having a melt temperature above that of a temperature used in conventional hot oil frying processes, a heat transfer rate of an effective value to substantially instantaneously transfer heat from the liquid cooking medium to create an effective frying temperature upon the food item, and a pliability such that the pouch will collapse on itself when exposed to hydrostatic pressures when submerged within the liquid cooking medium, thereby effectively transferring heat to all food item surfaces.