Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Shinichi Kurita0
Janusz Jozwiak0
John M. White0
Quanyuan Shang0
Emanual Beer0
Fan Cheung Sze0
Hongbin Ji0
Inchen Huang0
Date of Patent
July 7, 2009
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 22, 2004
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
In a first aspect, a system is provided. The system includes (1) a stage adapted to move a substrate relative to print heads during printing; (2) at least one print head suspended from a support above the stage and adapted to be moveable in a plane above the stage; (3) a controller operable to rotate the print head about a center of the print head; and (4) an imaging system adapted to capture an image of the print head and to determine a center point of the print head based upon images of the print head captured as the print head is rotated. Numerous other aspects are provided.
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