Patent attributes
The present invention is headgear of the billed cap type where the cap can have a fixed size crown. The cap includes an integral two-piece headband or sweatband attached along a bottom of the cap crown on the inside of the crown. The headband includes a first piece, stretchable part located in a front portion of the cap associated with the bill or sun visor and a second piece, non-stretchable part located in the rear. The stretchable part is stretched and attached to the crown in tension along a lower edge, allowing the upper edge of the headband to relax, and incline toward the interior of the crown and away from a sidewall of the crown. This relaxed upper edge is ready to stretch to fit a varying head size while the cap is not distorted by any stretching of the headband. The range of head sizes that can be accommodated by the cap can be increased by providing an elastic visor that is also attached to the cap crown along the bottom peripheral edge of the crown. The extended portion inclines toward the interior of the crown. The visor adds to the range of head sizes accommodated by the headband. The extended portion of the visor can be attached directly to the rear part of the headband substituting for the elastic front part.