A novel filter-less separation technique for separating suspended particles from a solution is disclosed. More specifically, an on-chip bioparticle separator is disclosed, which relies on the differential force exerted by application of a series of high magnitude, short duration pressure pulses on bioparticles in suspension within microchannels, resulting in separation of suspended bioparticles. The filter-less separation technique is inherently suited to μTAS (Micro Total Analysis System) since it exploits uniquely microscale phenomena to achieve separation. The on-chip bioparticle separator can be easily integrated with a disposable biochip, can be fabricated using low-cost, rapid manufacturing techniques, and can provide high performance for separation of bioparticles without the use of specialized or expensive equipment. Embodiments of the present invention address a significant challenge in the development of disposable microfluidic biochips, specifically, providing a reliable solution for separating bioparticles in a microfluidic system that may be immediately applied for a variety of microfluidic biochip applications.