Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Andrés Cabezas Jurin0
Thierry Conus0
Date of Patent
October 20, 2009
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 18, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The escapement includes two distinct escape wheel sets (1, 2), a roller (3) including a first impulse pallet stone (5) cooperating with the first wheel set (1) and a third impulse pallet stone (12) cooperating with the second wheel set (2). An anchor piece (6) articulated on a pivot (7) cooperates with an impulse pin (4) via a fork (8) fitted to the anchor piece. This anchor piece carries second (9) and fourth (13) impulse pallet stones respectively cooperating with the first (1) and second (2) wheel sets. The same anchor piece carries first (10) and second (11) locking pallet stones cooperating with the second wheel set (2).
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