Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Ron Nagar0
Eric Shreve0
Gabriel Bitton0
Gidon Pesach0
Wayne Siebrecht0
Benny Pesach0
Daniel Goldberger0
Date of Patent
October 27, 2009
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 1, 2005
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The present invention is directed towards apparatuses and methods for the automated measurement of blood analytes and blood parameters for bedside monitoring of patient blood chemistry. Particularly, the current invention discloses a programmable system that can automatically draw blood samples at a suitable programmable time frequency (or at predetermined timing), can automatically analyze the drawn blood samples and immediately measure and display blood parameters such as glucose levels, hematocrit levels, hemoglobin blood oxygen saturation, blood gases, lactate or any other blood parameter.
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