A modular casket assembly, created from composite wood scraps ground to a fine wooden composite grind and dried, is provided. A fine wooden composite is mixed with a dry glue and heat or pressure activated as desired. This mixture is then placed in a press mold with a thin veneer cover. The veneer cover may be paper, wood, cloth or other material. Typically, the veneer is perforated with small pin holes to permit steam to pass through during compression. Any desired image or scene may be provided on the veneer. The mold mixture and veneer is then compressed in a wood press, and to provide a finished product with durable veneer with a finished surface. The finished surface can be a fine wood finish, a wood-look finish or any variety of customized images. The casket assembly includes substantially flat or curvilinear panels. The casket assembly may be split as desired. Decorative brackets may be used to assemble the casket box.