An injection molding apparatus having a manifold and several manifold melt channels communicating with several hot runner nozzles includes a melt redistribution element. The melt redistribution element is placed at specific locations along the melt channels to balance the uneven shear stress profile accumulated during the flow of a melt along the manifold channels. The melt redistribution element has an unobstructed central melt bore having at its inlet a narrowing tapered channel portion. The melt redistribution element also includes a helical melt pathway portion that surrounds the central melt bore. The incoming melt is first subjected to a pressure increase by the tapered portion that causes the melt to flow at a higher velocity through the central melt bore. The outer portion of the melt is forced to flow along the helical path and thus it changes direction multiple times and partially mixes with the melt flowing through the central melt bore. Accordingly, at the outlet of the melt redistribution element the shear stress profile is more evenly distributed than at the inlet of the redistribution element.