An abdominal support swivel chair is comprised of a support base with a plurality of leg arms having casters and radiating about the base frame in a common horizontal plane. An adjustable center post assembly extends vertically from the center of the support base and along a central vertical axis. A seat is secured to a frame connected at a top end of the center post. The seat has a rear buttocks support section and a central narrow frontal projecting section merging therewith through opposed side thigh cavities. An abdominal support pad is secured to an adjustable support arm connected to the saddle frame. The support arm has an upper securing end section adapted for securement of the abdominal support pad and to position same inclined forwardly. The adjustable support arm extends forwardly of the frontal projecting section and aligned therewith and has an adjustable connecting mechanism to position the abdominal support pad for the comfort of a user person above the frontal projecting section.