Vacuum break vial assembly and method for reducing the incidence of nosocomial infections, comprising a vial stopper having a 2-part withdrawn-fluid volume compensation assembly having a barbed vent element that secures an apertured needle sheath, a bladder-retainer tube and an expandable/unfoldable bladder. The vial has an aluminum cap holding a plastic flip-off top that removes a central portion of the cap to permit access by hypodermic needle through the stopper into the needle sheath. No pre-pressurization of the vial by ambient contaminated air via the hypodermic can occur. Rather, the needle is inserted in the vial through the stopper and the medicinal fluid withdrawn. Air is inlet into the separate bladder which expands to permit withdrawal of fluid into the hypodermic without vacuum lock. No air having pathogen vectors is introduced into the vial medicinal fluid as the bladder isolates volume-compensating air from the medicinal fluid. Plural embodiments are shown.