My invention, “Criterature”, will combine an accessible reading experience with the comforting presence of stuffed animals or stuffed toys in a new way so that a child can literally discover reading while holding a comforting stuffed animal in the shape of an animal, creature, character, element etc. featured in a book pouched within the stuffed animal or stuffed toy. The book will also be in the shape of an animal, creature, character, element etc., featured in the book. The book will be pouched via a reseal able opening and pouch that will be as undetectable as possible beneath a deep, plush coat or cover. Children of all ages and adults can be engaged and inspired together by “Criterature” that will combine a hidden treasure of a pouched book with the warmth of a huggable stuffed animal or stuffed toy that will serve as a safe and convenient way to transport and store literature that can lead to further reading and learning experiences including those via “Criterature Critters,” “Criterature” books, “Criterature” video adventures, dvds, broadcasts, web links etc.