Operational transconductance amplifiers have a natural signal capacity format in which signal performance can be expressed in terms of fixed percentages. Input signal can be applied to Operational transconductance amplifiers in this natural signal capacity format in order to optimize performance. A signal which drives a given Operational transconductance amplifier architecture to produce an output current which is at 50% of it's maximum available output current can be thought of as applying an input voltage which is at 50% of an Operational transconductance amplifier's maximum input voltage capacity. In this input/output channel capacity format, dc offset, distortion, and noise all are temperature independent. By translating input signal between a voltage format to a channel capacity format using the methods of this invention, output signal performance attributes such as gain, frequency response, dc offset, temperature drift, distortion, and noise, can all be optimize over the full temperature range for all types of Operational transconductance amplifier architectures and applications.