Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Huang-Chin Tang0
Chin-Yang Lee0
Yu-Jung Shih0
Kei-Hsiung Yang0
Chi-Hung Liu0
Chih-Wei Chen0
Date of Patent
December 1, 2009
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 3, 2007
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for fabricating liquid crystal (LC) alignment includes the steps of processing an alignment film having a plurality of liquid crystal molecules with a single or plurality of plasma generating devices, such that the liquid crystal molecules are aligned at a high pretilt angle. Compared with the prior art, the present invention is suitable for modifying the alignment film surface adjustablely in directions and angles, and can attain the effect of alignment stability with a high pretilt angle in a single process, thus overcoming the drawbacks of the prior art.
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