Patent attributes
To obtain a dodging-like effect in moving-image data without expensive extraction of low-frequency components in playback, for a color-correction frame which does not refer to another frame, brightness components are extracted from the entire frame image to generate brightness-component and low-frequency brightness-component images, and these are used to color-correct the frame. For a color-correction frame which refers to another frame, a transition region of the frame image is detected, and used to identify an update image region in which a low-frequency brightness-component image must be updated. Brightness components of the transition region are extracted from the frame image, and are combined with those of a reference frame image, thus generating a brightness-component image. Low-frequency brightness components of the update region are extracted and combined with those of the reference image, thus generating a low-frequency brightness-component image of the frame. The color-correction frame image is color-corrected using the generated brightness-component and low-frequency brightness-component images.