Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Carey W. Smith0
Moshe Maor0
Nimrod Diamant0
Vincent J. Zimmer0
Amber Huffman0
Daniel Nemiroff0
Fran Corrado0
Howard C. Herbert0
Date of Patent
December 15, 2009
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 19, 2005
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A computer system is disclosed. The computer system includes a storage device, a device controller and a chipset. The device controller includes lock registers having values that correspond to the ranges of locked sectors of the storage device. The lock registers verify if a storage device access request is targeted for ranges of sectors of the storage device that are locked. The chipset includes an embedded controller to authenticate the storage device access request and to manage configuration of the storage device.
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