An air-inflated mattress, comprising a top layer, an outer shroud band, a plurality of anchor separators and a bottom layer, wherein said shroud band connects the top and bottom layers together to form an inflatable bladder. A middle layer below said top layer is partially sealed to the top layer to form a plurality of sealed or half-sealed cavities, in which some or all of said cavities are in fluid communication with the inflatable bladder, via a plurality of air vents in the middle layer, creating air-pockets arrayed on the top surface of the air mattress. The mattress may also comprise a middle shroud band and an inner shroud band, with a plurality of joint spots welded between the shrouds, creating a plurality of half-sealed cavities on the surface of the outer shroud band, with means to pass air between the inflatable bladder and the cavities, which slows the spreading speed of the air to the bladder and the cavities, so that the air mattress is even and level and the supporting strength of the air mattress is greatly improved.