Patent attributes
A golf club head having an undercut is disclosed. The club head includes a body defining a striking face, a top line, a sole, a back, a heel, and a toe. The back contains a cavity that extends in a direction substantially perpendicular to the face. A recesses is provided within the cavity, with the recess extending away from the cavity and toward the sole. The recess causes more of the club head mass to be oriented towards the perimeter of the club head, and optionally also toward the back of the club head. This enlarges the club sweet spot and increases the moment of inertia, and facilitates imparting a desired flight path to a struck golf ball, producing a more forgiving club. The recess may have a varying depth and/or a varying draft angle. A rear wall of the recess may be provided with a cutout to further reposition mass toward the club head perimeter. An insert, such as a vibration dampening member, may be provided within the recess. The insert may contain secondary inserts, such as weight members, therein in strategic locations. The insert may completely fill the recess, or may fill only a portion thereof.