3-Cone Diffuser including a central cone (1), an intermediate cone (2) and outer cone or outer frame (3) placed one above the other in a spaced apart relationships having same vertical axis (14). The central cone (1) at the back is provided with bracket (8) spot welded or brazed or rivetted directly or via an intermediate plate to the central cone to hold the centre cone which is fixed on the intermediate cone with the central opening (15) having outwardly projected flanges (16) having holes (17) to accommodate the front (18) and back (19) support of the bracket. The back support is provided with springs (9) for easy removal of the bracket, thereby enabling dismantling the central cone easily. The intermediate cone (2) on its outer flanges of the central opening (15), provided with pipe/rod (6) with spring (7) welded or brazed so as to fix the intermediate cone on the brackets (5) provided in the inner part of the outer cone enabling dismantling the intermediate cone by a slight pressing of the biasing spring (7). The outer cone (3) has a central inlet (20) with flanged portion outwardly directed (4) to connect with the ducting or damper. The inlet is adjustable as per the requirement of the ducting and the central cone is further provided with a hole (10) to adjust the aperture of the damper.