The invention relates to a spinal orthotic device configured from one or more elements of a modular system, comprising the following elements:a lower abdominal corset (40, 120),an upper abdominal corset (17, 130) that can be attached cranially to the lower abdominal corset (40, 120),a corset supporting element (41) that can be secured posteriorly in the lower abdominal corset (40, 120) and is arranged along the lumbar spine, supporting the spine while restricting sagittal mobility,a thoracic spinal corset (10, 200) that can be attached cranially to the lower abdominal corset (40, 120),at least one curved supporting clasp (47) that can be inserted posteriorly optionally into a bandage of a lower abdominal corset (40, 120) and an upper abdominal corset (17, 130) or into an bandage of a lower abdominal corset (40, 120) and a thoracic spinal corset (10, 200), said curved supporting clasp being attached to a corset supporting element (41) for correction of lordosis and for restriction of sagittal and frontal mobility in the area of the lumbar spine,at least one supporting element (23, 160) which can optionally be secured cranially in the thoracic spinal corset (10, 200) and caudally to the corset supporting element (41, 150) and extends laterally along the spine to align and relieve the spine in the sagittal plane,and an abdominal truss pad (190) that can be attached ventrally to a lower abdominal corset (40, 120) for correction of lordosis of the lumbar spine and increasing the intra-abdominal pressure.