A Camper Truck Tent for detachably mounting on a pickup truck, consisting of front and rear mounting supports attached to the truck cargo box sidewalls, various tent poles attaching the folded out tent to the mounting supports, erecting means for folding out the tent and two beds placed inside the erected tent. When dismantled, all these components occupy minimum space. The tent itself is stored in a self-contained pouch on the cargo box floor, the mounting supports in an envelope integral with one bed and the tent poles in an envelope integral with the second bed. The stored components are close to the cargo box floor and out of sight of the truck driver. Several tent pole configurations are available: two main configurations and three alternative configurations. Front and aft erecting means keep the tent folded out. The front means is a front strap secured to the front of the truck or a cramping tent pole. The aft means are aft straps secured to the downed tailgate.