Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Christophe Colignon0
Date of Patent
April 13, 2010
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 22, 2005
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The inventive system for controlling the regeneration of depollution means (1) which is integrated into the exhaust line (2) of a motor vehicle engine (3) and is associated with a common rail fuel supply means for carrying out the depollution means regeneration strategies (6) by using the fuel post-injections into the engine cylinders, wherein said system also comprises, for each regeneration, means (7) for calculating a total time spent in different regeneration strategies and means (8) for comparing said total time with a maximum threshold value (9) in order to stop the regeneration when said threshold is exceeded.
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