A synthesizer processes a register transfer level (RTL) netlist description of a circuit to produce a non-optimized gate level netlist preserving all signals referenced by the RTL netlist. The gate level netlist is then processed to identify the circuit's memory devices and to determine logical relationships between its internal signals (all signals other than circuit and memory device input and output signals) and its other signals (circuit and memory device input and output signals). The synthesizer then again processes the RTL netlist to produce an optimized gate level netlist that preserves the identified memory devices, but which omits reference to some or all of the internal signals. A circuit verification system then processes the optimized gate level netlist to produce waveform data representing time-varying behavior of the other signals of the circuit. The waveform data is then processed to produce additional waveform data representing behavior of the internal signals referenced by the RTL netlist in accordance with the determined logical relationships between the internal signals and the other signals.