Patent attributes
Adjustable blades for wood chippers and cutters include one or more blades of selected length, thickness and width, fitted with one or more bevelled blade seats in the rear blade edge, which blade seats, in a first embodiment, receive corresponding bevelled inserts having threaded openings fitted with an insert mount screw and a pair of adjusting screws. The mount screws serve to seat the inserts firmly in the blade seats and reverse-manipulation of the adjusting screws in the inserts provides adjustment of the fit of the adjustable blades in a cutting or chipping head, to compensate for re-sharpening of the blades. A method for adjusting the fit of wood cutter and chipper blades in a cutting or chipping head, which includes the steps of providing one or more bevelled insert seats in the rear edge of the blades opposite the cutting edge; placing a correspondingly-shaped bevelled insert in the insert seat or seats; threading an insert mount screw and a pair of adjusting screws through the insert; tightening the insert mount screw against the blade in the insert seat or seats and reverse-manipulating the adjusting screws to extend the adjusting screws from the insert to fit the blades in a chipping or cutting head. In a second embodiment heated babitt metal is poured into a mold receiving the adjustable blades and fills the bevelled blade seat or seats. The liquified babitt metal flows rearwardly of the blade in the mold to solidify and define a babitt extension of selected width that compensates for metal lost in the blade-sharpening operation.