Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Chunming Ding0
Rossa Wai Kwun Chiu0
Stephen Siu Chung Chim0
Yu-kwan Tong0
Yuk Ming Dennis Lo0
Date of Patent
May 4, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 3, 2005
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The present invention relates to new methods for diagnosing a pregnancy-associated disorder by analyzing fetal DNA present in the mother's blood. More specifically, this invention relies on the discovery that the maspin gene is differentially methylated in fetal DNA and in maternal DNA and provides these new diagnostic methods, which distinguish fetal DNA from maternal DNA and detect prenatal disorders based on abnormalities in fetal DNA level and methylation status.
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