Patent attributes
A comprehensive time determining system includes a list of geographical locations located on a periphery thereof. The base section further includes a plurality of time zones associated with the geographical locations. The time zones are presented on a time strip on the base section. The list of geographical locations on the base section includes locations using standard time only. A first movable section includes a northern hemisphere portion and a southern hemisphere portion. The northern hemisphere portion and the southern hemisphere portion are each independently movable relative to the base section. The northern hemisphere portion includes a list of northern hemisphere geographical locations. The southern hemisphere portion includes a list of southern hemisphere geographical locations. The lists on the first movable sections contains locations using dual time, the northern hemisphere portion and the southern hemisphere portion being movable to select a desired position depending on the season. The first movable section is so arranged and constructed to allow the user to be able to view the time strip located on the base section. A second movable section includes a rotatable dial, the dial being rotatable relative to the base section and to the first movable section. The dial includes evenly spaced markers positioned about a periphery thereof representing the hours in a day. During use, an operator selects a location on either the base section or the first movable section and adjusts the first movable section depending on the season, and sets the dial so that a reference time on the dial element is set to a reference time on the time strip. The user can then use the evenly spaced markers on the dial to determine time at any selected geographical location on the base section or first movable section.