Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Steven Elliot0
Zihua Guo0
Jin Shi0
Pung Pengyang Xu0
Richard Yuqi Yao0
Date of Patent
June 29, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
March 29, 2005
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A GSM/UMTS emulator is disclosed for emulating a real network so that certain device functionalities can be easily tested. The architecture of such a GSM/UMTS emulator may include a terminal PC and a server. The terminal PC runs the device (including a radio interface layer and a multiplexer). The server acts as the application server to emulate UMTS network performance. Such an emulator may enable testing of both control information and data applications.
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