Patent attributes
The invention relates to a program controlled stirrer for producing pharmaceutical or cosmetic recipes, comprising a stirring unit which consists of a stirring tool which engages with a mixing receptacle. According to the invention, the stirring unit is coupled to a micro-processor which determines the length of stirring time and stirring speed at the stirring unit in a program-controlled manner. The micro-processor executes a data-processing program with the following steps: input of variable data; input of constant data; determination of the length of stirring time and stirring speed in order to produce the desired amount of the recipe by combining the variable and constant data; conversion of the determined length of stirring time and stirring speed into corresponding first current or voltage values; control of the stirring unit with said first current or voltage values. Preferably, the size of the receptacle is inputted as variable data, whereby the data-processing program calculates the number of necessary rotations of the stirring tool using the constant data stored in the data memory, then controls the stirring unit correspondingly.