Patent attributes
A procedure for distributing audiovisual sequences according to a nominal format of a stream including a succession of frames including before transmission to destination equipment, performing an analysis of the stream to generate a first modified stream having format of the nominal stream and having images modified by substitution of selected data by data of the same nature, but calculated in a random fashion or in relation to an algorithm, and a second stream of any format, including the substituted data and the numerical information capable of allowing reconstruction of the modified stream, separately transmitting, in real time or at different times, two streams thus generated from a server to the destination equipment, and calculating on the destination equipment a synthesis of the stream of nominal format as a function of the first stream and the second stream such that transmission of the second stream is achieved by initializing communication, wherein a user provides identification at the server, which responds to the user who in turn verifies successful communication with the server, and exchanging information between the user and the server in which every message from the user is identified at the server with an identifier of the user sent by the server and every message from the user is identified at the user by an identifier of the server sent by the user.