A structural framing system comprising at least one first framing component having upper and lower flange elements separated by a web element having a depth measured between the upper and lower flange elements, the upper and lower flange elements having positioning dimples spaced therealong, the upper dimples protruding from the upper flange element toward the lower flange element and the lower dimples protruding from the lower flange element toward the upper flange element in such manner that a distance between the upper and lower dimples is less than the depth of the web, at least one second framing component having a depth adapted to fit between the upper and lower flange elements of the first framing component and extending from positions along the first framing component substantially corresponding to the locations of the corresponding upper and lower positioning dimples, and at least one third framing component for securing together the first and second framing components, comprising a first plate member adapted to be secured to the web of the first framing component having a height substantially equal to the depth of the web of the first framing component, and a second plate member adapted to be secured to a surface of the second framing component, a portion thereof having a height less than the distance between the upper and lower dimples so as to avoid interference with the dimples during attachment of the third framing component to the first and second framing components.