An input device with three-dimensional, six-degrees-of-freedom data input for a computer having a tracker with an array of tracking points defining a first axis and a second axis or plane is described. Light reflected from, or given off from the tracking points, is captured by a camera. From the two-dimensional images captured, three-dimensional data relating to the position and orientation of the input device may be obtained from the relative positions of the tracking points by a provided algorithm and lookup table. The use of one of the tracking points as an on-off indicator of the tracker's orientation towards or away from the camera greatly expands the use of such technology from limited hemispherical tracking to all-round, full-spherical tracking. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, tracking points on the input device which is in the form of a planar “T”-shape wand with a cross piece and a camera allow computer users to input natural swinging movements into a virtual environment for gaming or other three-dimensional applications.