Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Juanita Parris0
Robert Auerbach0
Ning Wu0
William P. Keaveney0
Robert Catena0
Jeannette Simoni-Truncellito0
Jitu Modi0
Date of Patent
August 17, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 19, 2009
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method of preparing a universal base composition disclosed which consists of milling a pigment in a resin that is soluble in both water and organic solvent and wherein the resin contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic monomers such that the total weight of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic monomers is at least about 20% of the total weight of the resin and the weight ratio of hydrophobic monomers to hydrophilic monomers is from about ⅕ to about 5.
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