Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Gil Utard0
Cyril Randriamaro0
Date of Patent
August 17, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
May 22, 2007
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The invention relates to computer networks and to a digital data protection thereon, in particular to a method for the distributed backup of a digital data block (B) in an computer network comprising a DHT distributed hash table and at least one node NO, wherein said NO nodes are connected to said network. The inventive method consists in dividing said block B into digital data r fragments F, in storing the fragment F in the NOF resource memories, in recording couples (block B, node NOF) and (node NOF, fragment F) in the DHT parts contained in at least two nodes and in a centralised server when no operation on the DHT or storage operation is carried out during said process.
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