Patent attributes
A track-and-hold circuit capable of tracking an analog input signal and holding a sampled voltage of the analog input signal at a sampling instant for processing by other circuitry, in response to a track signal that alternates with a hold signal. A first capacitor is provided, having a first terminal connected to a power supply terminal. Tracking circuitry operates when in an on state to apply through a resistor a tracking voltage to a second terminal of the first capacitor that corresponds to the voltage of the analog input signal, by applying the tracking voltage to a first terminal of the resistor, the second terminal of the resistor being connected to the second terminal of the first capacitor. A switch, responsive to the track signal and the hold signal, operates to switch the tracking circuitry to an on state in response to the track signal and to an off state in response to the hold signal, the time of change from the track signal to the hold signal comprising the sampling instant. A second capacitor is provided, having a first terminal connected to the first terminal of the resistor and having a second terminal connected to a power supply terminal. The second capacitor substantially reduces frequency-dependent harmonic distortion.