Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Mark Waller0
Jeremy Birch0
Tim Parker0
Mark Williams0
Fumiaki Sato0
Graham Balsdon0
Date of Patent
August 24, 2010
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 1, 2004
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A system automatically routes interconnect of an integrated circuit design using variable width interconnect lines. For example, a first automatically routed interconnect may have a different width from a second automatically routed interconnect. The system will vary the width of the interconnect lines based on certain factors or criteria. These factors include current or power handling, reliability, electromigration, voltage drops, self-heating, optical proximity effects, or other factors, or combinations of these factors. The system may use a gridded or a gridless (or shape-based) approach.
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