In a boots, wash bag and outer container combination, the boots have a lined interior of thin, waterproof nylon material, and are of a rollable, stretchable, waterproof, washable material, and have a waterproof zipper for slipping the boots on and off. The soles of the boots are honeycombed so they will not collect stones and dirt and add slip resistance. The wash bag is rectangular-shaped and is of rollable, waterproof, washable material, It has an upper zippered opening for receipt and holding a pair of boots, a plurality of outer snaps, and, a loop for hanging the bag. The outer container, also rectangular, is of rollable, waterproof, washable material. The container has an envelope-shaped closing flap for receipt and containment of the boots-containing bag, a strap, depending from the flap with a clip thereon, a strap depending from the container with a mating clip, internal snaps for mating with the bag snaps to hold the bag in place within the container, and, a loop for hanging the container. The boots, boot-containing bag and bag containing container combination is capable of being rolled up and stored in a small space. The straps, when container clips are mated and tightened, maintain the combination in the small space.