Provided is a pagewidth printhead assembly. The assembly includes a plurality of printhead integrated circuits (ICs) each having a plurality of micro-electromechanical nozzle arrangements for operatively ejecting printing fluid onto a printing medium, each IC defining a plurality of discrete supply channels for supplying the nozzle arrangements with fluid. Each IC has a bonding surface with a plurality of trenches etched therein, the trenches having a width of less than 10 microns to attract a liquid adhesive by capillary action. The assembly also includes an ink manifold having a mounting surface, the bonding surface of each printhead IC bonded to the mounting surface with an adhesive tape comprising a liquid-based adhesive, the adhesive tape having a plurality of laser-drilled holes defined therein, said holes being positioned to coincide with the supply channels, and said adhesive is received, at least partially, in the plurality of etched trenches.