Patent attributes
A goods display hook which enables salespersons to quickly and easily get information on the empty state of the goods display hooks. In a goods display hook comprising a main body engageable with a horizontally extending bar assembled in a goods display furniture and an arm including a base end supported by the main body and a goods hanging section extending from the base end section, the goods display hook further comprises a bias means for urging the arm in the direction that the goods hanging section tilts upwardly, the goods hanging section of the arm having a lamp at a free end thereof, the main body having a power source for the lamp, a switch device for the lamp and a shaft providing the arm with a pivotal movement, wherein the switch device is actuated by the arm to turn on the lamp when all the goods hung on the arm are removed which causes a pivotal movement of the arm in the direction that the goods hanging section tilts upwardly by the action of the bias means.