Patent attributes
The present relates to an autologous bioadhesive sealant composition or fibrin glue prepared by a two-phase method, wherein all of the blood components for the bioadhesive sealant are derived from a patient to whom the bioadhesive sealant will be applied. A platelet rich plasma and a platelet poor plasma are formed by centrifuging a quantity of anticoagulated whole blood that was previously drawn from the patient. In one embodiment, the platelet rich plasma is divided into two portions. In phase one, a compound that reverses the effect of the anticoagulant is added to the first portion and a clot is allowed to form. The clot is then triturated, and the resulting serum containing autologous thrombin is collected. In phase two, the serum obtained from phase one is mixed with the second portion of the platelet rich plasma to form the bioadhesive sealant of the present invention.