Patent attributes
The global access control system and method presents a solution to synchronizing the physical access devices that federal agencies must try to meet Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 201 requirements. The method encompasses wire and wireless technology, IP Security (IPSec), the assignment of IPv6 addresses to every device, integrating with logical access control systems, and providing a homogeneous audit and control format. As part of FIPS 201, Government identification badges (Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards) will include an IPv6 address that uniquely identifies every card holder. By assigning an IPv6 address to every access device and using the card holder's IPv6 address, every access device can be used for global access control. Moreover, common and interoperable audit records throughout an entire enterprise (logical and physical) are possible. This unique combination of technologies provides a mechanism for integrating heterogeneous systems to provide merging of physical and logical access control systems.