Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
October 26, 2010
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 12, 2006
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An air pump operably by a motor to pump air is disclosed to include a body, an airbag unit, which is mounted in the body has multiple airbags each having an air chamber and an air inlet, a lifting mechanism rotatable by the motor to move the airbags to pump air, a plurality of air intake control valves movably set between the air inlet of each airbag and respective air inlets of the lifting mechanism to control the air passage between the air inlet of each airbag and the air inlets of the lifting mechanism subject to the operation status of the airbags, and an exhaust structure coupled to the airbag unit for exhaust of air from the airbags.
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