Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Michael Barngrover0
Thomas M. Sopko0
Brian D. Hoff0
Brian D. Kuras0
Frank A. DeMarco0
Date of Patent
October 26, 2010
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 8, 2008
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method of adjusting the operation of an engine-driven machine to avoid engine under-speeding entails converting a received speed or torque command into a power command. When an engine under-speed condition is sensed, the system performs underspeed correction in the power domain before converting the underspeed processed power command back into the units of the original domain. The converted underspeed processed power command is issued to the transmission or other component to alleviate the engine under-speeding condition.
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