Patent attributes
The invention relates to a polymer material comprising 99 to 20 parts by weight of polymer(s), 0.1 to 80 parts by weight of carbon nanotubes, and 0.05 to 80 parts by weight of at least one type of dispersant selected from A-B-C, B-C and/or C-B-C block copolymers, wherein each block is bonded to the other by means of a covalent bond, C is a chemical and/or physical interaction with the polymer material and in preferably is miscible therwith, B is not miscible with the polymer material and with the block B and the glass transition temperature thereof. Tg is less than the polymer material use temperature, A is not miscible with the polymer material and with the blocks B and the block C and the Tg or the fusion temperature Tf is greater than the Tg of B.