Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Srinivas P. Doddapaneni0
Gerold P. Mueller0
Guido Kehrle0
Ramesh V. Peri0
Date of Patent
November 23, 2010
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 18, 2005
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for setting a breakpoint includes the following: receiving an input specifying a location for insertion of a breakpoint in the executable program; determining a breakpoint address for insertion of the breakpoint in the executable program based on the specified location of the breakpoint; writing a breakpoint instruction into a second machine-accessible medium at the breakpoint address; and locking a line containing the breakpoint instruction into the second machine-accessible medium to prevent the breakpoint instruction from being overwritten.
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