A hoist device adaptable to lift or pull load material of various types. The hoist device is attachable to the trailer hitch of a vehicle and comprises a telescopic boom of a pair of rectangular tubular members attachable slidably to a base support member. In adjacent position on the base support is a control post member to which other components are attached, including a motor-driven winch positionable on the upright end thereof. A lifting component is attachable to the end of the boom member to be able to rotate easily, in any direction, since the angular movement of the boom member is always only one direction in regard to the axis of the boom member. A cable is used to operate the movement of the boom member, and has one end attached to the winch and a second end attached to a rigid component on the boom member after engaging pulley means on the boom member or control post member as chosen to provide suitable angular orientation of the boom member and telescopic extension of the boom member.