A system and method for simulating a user's participation at an event. The system and method including providing a virtual queue or line for meeting and obtaining an autograph of a celebrity, attending a live event and/or for purchasing an item. The system and method include providing video and audio content to a remote user device, such as a television or a computer, for display on the monitor. A plurality of video cameras positioned in and around a line for obtaining an autograph provide a respective plurality of video and audio feeds that are broadcast to users of the system. An interface selectively changes the feed shown on the user's device to simulate movement in the line toward the celebrity until the user is able to view the celebrity autograph an item specifically designated for the user. The item can be merchandise, such as a CD, DVD, photograph or poster, selected by the user. The system mails the autographed item to the viewer and can also provide a recording of the autograph session.