An embodiment of the present invention provides a method for network management that allows the configuration of IP links in one step, via a GUI form, even though the management protocols available at the two end links (routers) may differ. According to one embodiment, the method comprises gathering information from the user, validating this information, and then sending this information to the appropriate router(s). According to one embodiment, the method enables a user to specify various configurations when provisioning an IP link, for example, the type of IP link (Point-to-Point, Point-to-IP, or Point-to-Subnet), the numbering type (Numbered or Unnumbered), the application type (MPLS and/or IP Forwarding), and the sub-layer interfaces to be used (Packet Over Sonet, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, GigEthernet, and others). In addition, according to one embodiment, the method allows the IP link to be associated to existing router interface(s), or the interfaces can be created as part of the IP link creation process.