An optical pulse monitor (OPM) that determines an optical phase profile for a pulse train by (i) modulating the optical phase of pulses in the pulse train using a periodic waveform and (ii) generating a derivative of a spectrum of the resulting modulated signal with respect to the waveform's amplitude. In one embodiment, an OPM has a phase modulator that modulates the optical phase of pulses in a received pulse train using a periodic waveform supplied by a configurable drive circuit. The drive circuit temporally aligns the waveform with the pulse train to serially produce each of four selected temporal alignments. An optical signal analyzer measures a spectrum of the modulated signal generated by the modulator for each of these four temporal alignments and provides the four measured spectra to a processor. The processor uses the measured spectra to determine two spectrum derivatives with respect to the waveform's amplitude. The processor samples each of the spectrum derivatives at frequency points separated from one another by the frequency of the periodic waveform and uses these samples to obtain a series of complex values. The processor then calculates the optical phase profile for the pulse train based on the phase of a complex value obtained by summing the series.