Patent attributes
It has been discovered that the ability of analogues to affect binding of a labeled β-casomorphin (an enterostatin antagonist) to recombinant rat F1-ATPase β-subunit was closely correlated with their enterostatin-like biological activity. Using immunohistochemistry and western blots, the presence of the F1-ATPase β-subunit was demonstrated in plasma membranes of liver, pancreas and amygdala. The effects of enterostatin on the intracellular localization of the proteins were studied using deconvolution or confocal microscopy. Enterostatin did not alter the location of F1-ATPase a-subunit-RFP but induced movement of the F1-ATPase β-subunit-GFP to the periphery of cells. These studies, showing the plasma membrane localization of the F1-ATPase β-subunit, the influence of enterostatin on the cellular location of the protein, the appropriate Kd value for binding, together with the previous correlation of binding effects with biological activity for a number of analogues, indicate that this protein is the enterostatin receptor.